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"The Truck That Needs No Roads"
A founding father of the 4-wheel drive truck, the Dodge Power Wagon represents a significant engineering feat in the motoring world. A formidable off-road contender in 1952 as much as today, this Power Wagon has been restored with both form and function in mind.
Our friends at CCR Technologies brought our client's vision to life with this project. While CCR took the lead on this restoration, we at Grand Touring will be providing maintenance support for this Power Wagon.
Having served as a fire truck in a previous life, this Power Wagon represents the diversity of these trucks in their hay-day. Initially, Power Wagons were revered for their capabilities in supporting our troops. Once released to the mass market in 1946, becoming the first civilian production 4x4 truck, they quickly assumed a variety of uses: from municipal activities such as fire trucks or ambulances to hauling lumber, working a farm, or being outfitted as a tow truck.
These trucks were highly versatile and capable of tackling nearly any work use. Appropriately advertised as "a truck that needs no roads" and "a self-propelled power plant", they wrote the rule book for 4-wheel drive trucks.
January 28, 2022 – Montreal-based CCR Technologies handing off the Power Wagon to our team in upstate New York
Circa 1946
We came across this fantastic video, a relic from the days when manufacturers produced full-scale documentaries to celebrate their vehicles, which illustrates the evolution of the Power Wagon from military to civilian use.
February 5, 2022
We hosted a small celebration for the Power Wagon's homecoming. Our friends from CCR came down from Montreal to present the truck and share the story of its restoration.